Mental health workshop with the class of 2024 Thuto-Kitso Comprehensive School

By Sarah Seipati Ratshefola · Oct 18, 2024
Mental health workshop with the class of 2024 Thuto-Kitso Comprehensive School picture


The undersigned social worker developed the workshop titled, “Protect Your Mental Health” to honour the World Mental Health Awareness Month. The workshop was about providing education and awareness on Stress-management and Depression. This workshop targeted the Grade 12 learners as they are currently in the most critical stage of their lives. Matric final exams are daunting. During this time, learners are overwhelmed as they have pressure to do well from themselves, parents and teachers. This workshop meant to reduce their stress or ease their anxiety and equip them with coping strategies during exam time. Also, preparing them for life after matric as it will also come with its stressful events which if not managed well can lead to depression. Hence, Depression was also covered during this workshop.

Mental health problems in teenagers and young adults are on the rise. According to the stats released in 2022 by South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), the number of teenage suicides is high and even in 2024 the numbers are still on the rise due to depression. Which proves that teenagers lack education on mental health and the available resources for seeking help. Therefore, the undersigned social worker collaborated with Thuto-Kitso Comprehensive School to provide this workshop to the Grade 12 learners.


Mental health is an integral component of overall well-being, promoting awareness of it is crucial in schools. This workshop aimed to address mental health concerns and its impact on learner’s academics and social functioning, and the available resources for seeking help. It is important to promote a positive and supportive school culture that encourages learners to seek help when needed without feeling stigmatised or ashamed. Mental health conditions such as stress and depression are prevalent among learners. The purpose of this mental health awareness workshop was meant to provide education and awareness on the following:

  • To help learners recognize the signs of mental health concerns and provide appropriate support before they become severe. Early intervention can help prevent long-term academic and social consequences of untreated mental health issues.
  • Reduce the stigma. Stigma is a significant barrier to seeking mental health care. The purpose of this workshop was to also help reduce the stigma by promoting open conversations about mental health and creating a safe and supportive environment for seeking help. 
  • Provide awareness on available resources to address mental health concerns. It is important to encourage open conversations about mental health to help learners build resilience and seek help when needed. It is also essential to provide learners with resources and tools necessary to manage their mental health and thrive academically and socially.

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